Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Maltezer Healing

I was really disappointed today to spot a maltezers packet on my front path. This new house of mine is so precious to me after so long without a home of my own that I had a flashback to the daily rain of rubbish that would come over my yard walls in Saltney as people made their way home from the pub. The contempt that people seemed to have for my boundary lines that I never drew. 

As it turned out it wasn't rubbish on my doorstep but an actual packet of maltezers and a milky way - tied together with ribbon - left by a trick or treater I presume as I hid in my bed on Hallowe'en keeping my germs from the populace.

I cried, actually. I concede to being an emotional wibbly-wobbly at the moment but it seemed such a sweet significance that people had not only respected my boundaries but left me a treat.

There is such a longing in me for community and home and acceptance and to feel that I am safe and secure and nothing is going to attack me or displace me. This small gesture by someone I will probably never get to thank healed that in me. I begin to trust.

I am so in my root chakra right now! 

(No surprise to those who talked me into getting an obsidian yoni egg ha ha... it's still there!)

Oh... and as most of my friends know I don't actually eat chocolate so there's some maltezers in the fridge now for the first person to come by for a cuppa! 

Love xxx

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