Wednesday, 14 October 2015

At the crossroads of doing and being, in balance, creation IS...

At some point we are neither willing seed nor rich soil but an idea. We were all once just an idea. Well, not “just” an idea: from the whirling infinite colours of eternal potential came an impulse to take form. The great cosmic cogs of heaven whirr into action; Mother Earth softens and calls out laying herself fertile and the Spirit visits upon her flesh. Where there is that meeting of Doing and Being, the balance of both, thus Creation is. And whether we take this literally as the miracle of conception or whether we are entering into the gestation of our art. It all begins as an idea and an impulse from chaos into order; from formless into form; from infinite to finite, from spirit into flesh, from God into human-ness.

And thus was conceived this blog (to become a book I believe)… from a colourful mass of potential, ideas have started to take form. As I embark on training as a birthkeeper I wondered how my calling could meet my childless state and find meaning and this idea emerged. Take 9 months, pilgrim, to travel where the ancestors and the west wind guide you. From the seed of this idea what resource may emerge? I don’t know. But I embrace the journey. 

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